There are times when we think just maybe we’re too old to make a difference. But trust me, nothing could be further from the truth!

Cheryl and I were recently invited to Virginia to speak at a senior adult conference. Now some might think….boring! But we had a blast. They were great to be with and so open to be challenged to be everything God still wants them to be.

Cheryl shared a powerful story from our past regarding a girl named Taylor whom we had seen radically changed from a tragic life scarred and marred by sinful living, and who had wondered if God could ever love her and, even more, use her. Yet God did change her, transformed her horrible past, and gave her a brand new beginning which has made a huge difference in the lives of so many.

A precious lady in attendance at the conference sat listening, realized God still wanted to use her-even in her senior years-and set in motion the follow through. She had a friend in another city that she had wanted to share Christ with, but had always talked herself out of it, assuming she couldn’t make any difference. But challenged by Cheryl’s message, and not being willing to put it off any longer, she set her actions in motion. Since the lady lived in another town, and since the participant wasn’t able to get to that town in the near future, she called her daughter who happened to live in the same city as the person she was concerned for. Asking her daughter to carry the message to her friend, she described exactly what she desired her daughter to communicate.

Iagine the amazement mother and daughter experienced when the lady who had been the object of their efforts accepted Christ as her savior! So, for anyone who is ever tempted to feel, “I’m too old to make a difference…!” NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!

Just take the initiative. Step out in faith. And leave the results up to God. And you’ll be amazed what happens.

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