A note from Believe.com: If you’re feeling like you’re struggling more than usual, perhaps it’s not just “you.” Perhaps it’s spiritual warfare. You don’t have to do this alone. Find a mentor to pray with you. She could be from church, a therapist, a Godly friend, even a book that bolsters you. 

We can’t talk to all of you in person, but we’re happy to share with you this article from Christine Wright. Let her words seep into your bones and know that you are loved and deserve protection. 

I read her words and it all makes perfect sense. Why she’s felt such opposition lately. Why the enemy has stopped at nothing to try and shut her down. All manner of nonsense.  

Perhaps you’re familiar with some of the lies?

“Why bother?”

“Maybe it’s all for nothing?”

“Shouldn’t I be further along by now?”

“Why is this so hard?”

“When will the clouds finally part?”

It’s in reading her post I see his strategy. Turn her gifts against her. Convince her of what she lacks. That things will never change.  

But do it in such a way, that it’s veiled enough to seem true. Like it’s a gift of truth. A relief from the burden of striving. As if to come to her rescue. Because why should she struggle? A nice girl like her? If it were meant to be, it would have “happened” by now.

He should be ashamed. That enemy. But of course, he’s not. For he comes to steal, kill and destroy.

I think that’s where the confusion can lie, between what Tenth Avenue North calls “The Struggle.” The struggle to be free vs. the freedom to struggle.  

She is free. And this struggle? The struggle to do as God is leading her? It is good. Beautiful. A journey to the Promised Land.  

But the enemy wants her to believe it is something else entirely. That it is the struggle to be free. And tries to make it that, time and time again.  

But free she already is.  

She is just struggling to spread her wings. And that is a vastly different struggle.  

So with all of us who struggle, I share these words …

Keep going. Those lies, that seem almost merciful? The ones that say it would be so easy to just stop. To close that computer? The ones that keep you from reaching out for help? They are straight from Satan. They are not born of God.  

What you have to share is so powerful. The message God has placed in your heart is lie-shattering and world changing. (<=== Click to tweet that) And the enemy will stop at nothing to keep it from getting out. To keep your words inside. Keep writing, keep speaking, keep answering His call. Walk worthy of that call, sweet friend.  

And the times you stumble? The times you don’t walk worthy? Get right back up. Take it to God and leave it with Him. Let’s not waste time carrying any burdens around.

He knows you, and knows your weaknesses. Knows what you struggle with. So stay close to Him.

Let’s get busy shattering some lies, shall we?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10, NIV

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