If there is a prayer I have learned to pray for myself and for my family members and dear friends, it is this: “Lord, bless them that they may be a blessing.” It took me a long time to realize how God used this prayer throughout the Scripture.


The Bible said that God blessed Abraham. Why? So that he could be a blessing to others. And that theme continues throughout the Scripture. God blesses others through the blessings of His children. The problem arises when we receive the blessings of God and never bless others.


There are two bodies of waters in Israel. There is the Sea of Galilee and there is the Dead Sea. The Sea of Galilee is beautiful and full of life. It is crystal clear. It flows from Mount Hermon and goes out into the River Jordan. But then there is the Dead Sea where the water comes in and just stays there—and the salt concentration in the water is so high that nothing can live there.


The question you need to ask yourself today is this: Am I a Sea of Galilee or am I the Dead Sea? God wants to bless people and He chooses to use us to do so. Are you being faithful with the blessings you have received from God?


Prayer: God, I pray that I would be a Sea of Galilee. Help me to bless others the way You have blessed me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


“Through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me” (Genesis 22:18).

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