Providence. By definition the term means, “the foreseeing care and guidance of God over the creatures of the earth.”

Thirteen years ago Matt and I moved into our Charlotte, North Carolina home. With a load of boxes and furniture, a toddling daughter and a son on the way, we unpacked our dreams of prosperity and opportunity. We had been married four years and life was good. New job, new baby, new life. How could anything go wrong?

Yet life brings surprises. Trials and challenges.

Two years later, our dinner conversations centered around a new topic — autism — after our son was diagnosed with the disorder. The familiar life that we had known was gone and our future seemed uncertain at best.

Then, when Matt’s industry took a dive in the 2008 recession, I stopped dwelling on the long list of repairs our home needed and began praying instead that we would be able to stay in it. The pile of bills never diminished. We pulled back on therapies for our son and struggled with expenses of raising a family. Even small purchases terrified me.

And we wondered, “Will we make it?”

Years later, as I drive back to that same home, now in need of a good coat of paint, I pass a shopping center by the name of “Providence Commons.” I continue to drive down a street called “Providence Road” and turn left. Passing another road — this one called “Providence Lane” — I enter my neighborhood. The welcoming sign at the entrance reads “Olde Providence.” Even my children’s elementary school bears the name “Olde Providence Elementary School.”

It suddenly occurs to me that I’ve always been surrounded by Providence … by God’s provision. I’ve never been outside of His unforeseen care over my life. Why did I worry?

So many nights I tossed in bed wondering if we could make it one more day. So many days I wanted to throw in the towel. The odds were stacked too high against us. Yet in all of those years of struggle, we were persistently covered by God’s divine and all-knowing care.

And so are you.

Had I looked, I would have seen the divine reminders that God had placed around me: Providence Road, Providence Lane, Olde Providence Neighborhood, Providence Elementary … and the list goes on. Uncanny reminders that I am covered by God’s provision and care. Coincidences?

Look around you. Do you see the signs of God’s love for you? What “road signs” has God placed around you to remind you that He is with you in your struggles? If you look, you will find them. You, too, will see God’s divine “road sign reminders” of His great care for you.

When you do, would you share them by commenting below?

God’s Promise for you:

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV

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