Family – isn’t it like the sea? There’s always the calm before the storm, but more often than not, we wade in the deep recesses of what family offers. We delight in each other’s arms. We remember our childhood with our siblings and start chuckling over the practically hazardous situations we put ourselves in. We crave family, but as you grow older, hardship and strife can tear at the peace you once had. Here are ways to somehow, amid the struggles of life, hold onto that peace.

1. Pray

Praying is more than words to God; it’s an act of surrender. It’s telling God you desire His will to be done for you and your family. Praying for each of your family members is something God delights in hearing. I don’t think we do it often enough because we know they’re alive and well, but we need to take time to pray for our family. Jesus retreated in solitude to pray and we should do the same. “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” (Luke 5:16 )

2. Worship

There’s nothing quite like it, is there? Worship releases anxieties and concerns you’re probably not even aware you’ll have tomorrow. Do we ever wonder what God is doing while we’re worshipping? He’s not milking it; our God is actually meeting us right where we are in our messy, imperfect vulnerability. He’s stooping down to whisper in our ears words of life that will put our wild hearts to rest. That’s when joy walks in; a joy you only hope to spread. That brings us right back to family. Who is that person that could use that peace or that joy or that word you received? Try spreading it to one of your family members.

3. Keep In Touch

While miles stretch between you and your family, connection can often grow dim. You don’t need to call every day, but if you are close to your family, a call every now and then can only do well. We all know time isn’t stopping for us, and if keeping peace for your mother or father or sibling means hearing your voice, then don’t hesitate to call them.

4. Ignore Drama

I know it’s easier said than done, but drama is like raining glass. It can only do harm. “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18) I think God knows there will be times of strife with family, but we can’t allow frivolous family drama to ruin the good that we have to offer our family. And if we are trying to exude Christ, then we’ll do all we can to have peace with one another. Try to be the person that instills peace, and doesn’t add fuel to a fire.

Peace isn’t something that appears like light. It takes more effort, especially when it comes to family. It can be fragile, something we desperately try to hold onto. Sometimes, peace looks like the quiet moments of prayer. God is working in the quiet, just like He did while Jesus was on the cross, crying out for Him. You only hear silence, but God sees and He’s working His wonders.

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