I have been writing this month about how to be less stressed this holiday season in an effort to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas more.

I am not being politically correct by calling them “the Holidays” … the fact is that many of the same tips (travel, dealing with family, etc.) apply to both. But, here we are right before Thanksgiving, which is already being overshadowed by commercial Christmas. So, I want to write the final post of my four-part series on the heart of the matter …

Thanksgiving is a time to stop and express appreciation to our Heavenly Father for all of our blessings. Let’s admit it: most of us have a lot to be thankful for. From basic needs being met to our family and friends to community and church. Freedom to worship, vote, work, drive … the list goes on …

But shouldn’t Christians be most thankful for salvation? And shouldn’t we set aside more time than just Thanksgiving or even the entire month of November to express our gratitude for this gift and all others we receive?

The fact is, that salvation would not have meaning without the one who came to save us. That is why Christmas is so important. Now, listen, I love Santa Claus, Christmas Trees, gift giving and stocking stuffers. But, for today, in this moment, I want to focus on the “reason for the season.”


The most well-known verse in the Bible is John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” But I also love the sentence that follows in John 3:17.

He did not come to condemn the world but to SAVE the world.

Now that is the meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born so that He could take on our sins on the cross so that He could overcome death and come back to life. Anyone who confesses with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in their heart that God raised Him from the dead … WILL. BE. SAVED. That’s the promise of Romans 10:9.

Before you sit down to your turkey dinner, why not make sure that YOU know that promise for yourself. If you do not know the Lord as your savior, take this moment to accept Him now. Ask for forgiveness. Accept His forgiveness. Rest knowing you will live forever.

Now, isn’t THAT something to be thankful for?

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