Christmas is a time for celebration and presents, but the Bible urges us to go beyond that — not just at the holidays, but at any time of the year:

In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring you ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

You may have a disabled friend or family member whose condition makes life difficult in some way. Not all disabled people are weak, but many still appreciate some assistance during the holiday whirlwind. Here are 10 ways you can bless a disabled friend or family member for Christmas:

Deliver Christmas Cards

If your friend or relative has a disability that makes it hard to send out Christmas cards, offer to help. For example, an older person with failing eyesight or someone with severe arthritis, Parkinson’s disease or another condition that impedes writing, will really appreciate assistance. Stop over for an afternoon or evening and make a little party out of it with cookies and cocoa.

Offer Transportation

If a disabled person in your life is unable to drive, offer to take him or her to visit a relative or out on a shopping trip or whatever else is needed. Granted, many people with mobility problems shop online, but that can’t compare to enjoying the festive atmosphere and decorations at the local stores.

Wrap Gifts

Just as a disabled person might have problems addressing Christmas cards, he or she might find it difficult to wrap Christmas presents. Stop by for a couple of hours to lend a hand.

Lend a Hand around the House

Your disabled friend or relative is probably going to have company coming over for the holidays. If that person has challenges that make it difficult to clean up the house, he or she will most likely be very grateful if you offer to assist. That way, your friend can take pride in his or her home when people visit.

Deck the Halls

Depending on a person’s disability, he or she may have problems with home decoration. That’s particularly true of outside lights and other outdoor decor, but it can also apply to things like putting up and decking out a Christmas tree. You’ll give a blessing that your friend will cherish throughout the season if you put up the decorations.

Shop for a Christmas Tree

Of course, you can’t trim a tree if you don’t have one. Not everyone wants a real Christmas tree, but if that’s what your disabled friend or family member prefers, offer a trip to a Christmas tree lot if he or she has trouble getting around. Help load up the tree and transport it in your vehicle. That real pine scent is so much better than those fake car fresheners, and the person will be very grateful to you.


Baking is a holiday tradition in many families, but your disabled friend or family member might appreciate a helping hand. Take the person shopping for ingredients, if needed, and spend a day together in the kitchen whipping up cookies, ethnic treats like kolaches or whatever else sounds good. That way, your friend or family member will have treats to enjoy for the season and to share with people who stop by.

Take Down Decorations

Yes, it’s a big help to put everything up, but what goes up must come down! Once the holidays are over, stop by for a post-holiday clean-up session.

Make a Movie Date

The holidays are stressful for everyone, and your disabled friend or family member might have an extra measure of stress getting through all the Christmas planning. Bless him or her with a little relaxation time at the movies. Go see a holiday movie or a comedy together. Popcorn and laughter are a great prescription to chase away holiday anxiety. If the person has mobility problems that make it hard to get to a movie theater, bring over some DVDs and snacks and make an evening of it at his or her house.

Ask What You Can Do to Help

Sure, these might be good ideas to help you decide how to bless a disabled person at Christmas, but each person has his or her own special needs. Sometimes the best way to help out another person is simply to ask what he or she needs the most.

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