Dating Like Airplanes by Caleb Breakey is not your typical dating advice book filled with “do’s and don’ts.” Instead, Breakey shares gems of advice that he has pulled from his own, real-life experiences.

The book rises up from the author’s crash and burn moments to focus on nine words: “Giving what’s needed most over taking what’s wanted now.” Breakey points out that when you fall, you get hurt. Therefore, stop walking blindly through life with no plan, looking to fulfill a momentary desire — there is a way to approach life with a brighter future of smooth sailing at higher altitudes through true love.

The true love he explores in the book is really all about learning to first have a relationship with Christ and then living it out in every other relationship of your life, including dating and courtship. Ask yourself whether you possess the kind of true love that Jesus offers. This love creates in you a desire to give, and Breakey walks the reader through applying this desire to your relationships.

He uses humor and parallels relationship failures and growth with familiar airplane terms, such as “stalled on the runway,” “engine revving” and “eager to take off,” to get across the seriousness of the message of finding a purposeful flight plan to find fulfillment in the true love of God spoken of in the Scriptures:

My lover spoke saying, “Arise my darling; My beautiful one, come away with me.” Song of Solomon 2:10 

This intimacy with Jesus spills over into every relationship:

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10

Breakey uses his journalism background to convey first-hand experiences of the heartbreak that comes with trying to deal with relationships his own way instead of using Jesus’ love for us as an example of how to navigate his love life. Breakey provides testimonies and quotes from others who have walked the same path, and the book is filled with biblical wisdom on ways to honestly glorify Christ in your relationships.

Breakey admits that growing up he wanted to find a book about relationships that included Scriptures and a Christ-honoring guide. He hopes that Dating Like Airplanes will be that guide for others.

While the book points to a heavenly, spiritual, realm, it also provides practical applications on ways to apply these principals in day-to-day life. You will read about where to start in a relationship, how to place safeguards around each other’s souls, and how you know when you are turning your significant other into an idol that replaces your relationship with Jesus. He also talks about the reality of keeping your relationship pure.

Though the title appeals to singles, it is also a beneficial book to read for those are just entering the dating age, tired of dating failures, engaged, newlywed, or have been married for years. It would also make an excellent discussion book for youth groups to create a feasible “flight plan” for launch before another wide-eyed dating dreamer crashes and burns when they could, instead, take off and soar in the true love that comes only from God. 

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