I find that I am paying much more attention to his face.

I am really seeing him.

I notice the way his deep blue eyes crinkle when he smiles. I love the kindness that emanates from those eyes.

His deep and frequent laugh causes my spirits to lift and wraps me in warmth.

We laugh a lot.

The thick strawberry blonde head of hair he had when we first met is now mostly white. I think it makes him look even more handsome.

I watch his hands. They are strong hands. These hands have held our babies and taught them both to play the piano, cooked some wonderful meals (he is a much better cook than I am!), played the guitar for me, held tightly to mine countless times through the years and never shied away from hard work. The well-worn gold band on his left ring finger has been there for 19 years. I still vividly remember the day I first slipped it on his finger, full of joy that we had found each other.

I listen to the timbre of his voice. His is a voice that always speaks reason … is loath to say anything negative about anybody … seeks to understand another’s point of view … speaks encouraging words … prays fervently … and tells me he loves me every single day.

I notice these things much more often now that we primarily see each other on the weekends. Our time together is no longer unlimited; therefore it is necessary to make the most of the time that we are in the same space.

I find that I don’t take anything for granted. Even the simplest things, like making a run to the grocery store, is an opportunity to spend time together.

I find that I live the life out of every moment when he is home.

I love that after 21 years together, I am still discovering new things about him.

As the late, great Rich Mullins once said:

Love is a miracle
It’s a miracle if you can find it

So true.

Treasure the loves in your life. Study their faces. Listen to them. Celebrate them. Thank God for them. Tell them you love them.

They are such precious gifts.

They are miracles.

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