A woman named Peggy recently wrote and said: “I would like to know how to keep my focus on God and walk in the Spirit and not be distracted.”

It’s easy to get distracted with all that is happening in the world … even if it’s just our own busy schedule or keeping up with our children’s. But I have found, in my life, that the key to keeping focused on Christ  is keeping the channels of communication open with God.

The older I get, the more I find my life becoming one long prayer and communion with God. Now, I’d like that to be as spiritual as it sounds, but often it is just a matter of talking with Him throughout the day, bringing things before Him that attempt to rob me of my peace or joy, taking the “what ifs” to Him before they have a chance to stress me out, and reminding myself to constantly thank Him for all that is going on throughout the day.

To be in that mode of praying throughout the day usually starts in the morning, as soon as I get out of bed. I must remind myself why I was created: to love God and enjoy Him forever. Therefore, my goal for the day is already established. It’s about Him and His pleasure with my life. It’s not about me.

I then try to set aside time, before doing anything else, to just be in His presence and commune with Him and His Word. That reinforces to me that who I am, what I have and all I have to do really belongs to Him. I am His servant. That really puts me in perspective.

Just this morning, one of the first emails I received was a brief, but kind explanation by a woman who needed to cancel one of my speaking engagements for early next year. Her group is undergoing transition and she assured me it was nothing personal.

Now, ordinarily, that would be upsetting as it would cause some schedule adjustments and possibly a discussion about broken agreements. I could tend to be out of sorts about it. But just prior to opening that email, I was in prayer asking God for His direction in my life over the next several months. Immediately, what came to my mind was that:

1. The cancellation didn’t take God by surprise.

2. He knows all about where I will be and what I will need to be doing on that day that I thought I would be ministering to that particular group.

3. He can be trusted with that schedule change of mine.

Honestly, had I not been asking God what He wanted for me in the next several months; that might not have been my reaction. I could’ve been easily distracted by it, rather than seeing it as another opportunity to trust Him.

That’s just one example of what happened in my day that could’ve been a distraction, rather than a faith-building incident.  But when we have the communication channels open with God all day, seeing everything as part of His divine will, it keeps us focused on and surrendered to His Spirit.

What keeps you focused on Christ throughout the day so that you walk in His Spirit and not in the feelings, frustrations or fears of the flesh? Leave a comment below. I’m sure my readers would love to hear it.

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