Stand in front of a full-length mirror in your bra and undies, (yes, I’m serious) and review your body.

Do you jump for joy at the splendor of it all?

Are you elated at having a flawless shape?

Oh wait, you mean you run and hide and hope no one comes barging in the room instead?  Well then, where do you carry those extra pounds?  Knowing the art of camouflage to hide the unfriendly extra weight you’ve acquired will assist you in knowing how to dress to flatter your figure.

In my new book, Help Me Jesus, I Have Nothing to Wear (Zondervan), I came up with the b o d-x system to help you know how to dress to look your best.

* If you gain weight in your belly, you are a b shape.

* If you gain your weight in your upper midriff and have an overly endowed bust, you are an O body shape.

* If you gain most of your weight in your hips, thighs and/or derriere, you’re a d shape.

* And if you gain evenly all over, and/or have a pretty balanced body, you are in the X category.

Okay, you want to know who YOU are? Here’s your sneak peak!

Body Shape X

An X shape is a balanced body with shoulder and hips evenly spaced, an indented waist and at your ideal weight.

The goal in dressing is to look like an x even if you’re not.

As long as you follow a few tips, no matter if you’re a b, d or O, you will appear balanced. When we dress so we appear balanced, attention is then brought to our face and not to the challenge areas of our body. (If you’re not quite sure of your body type, there is a quiz in the book so you can figure out which one you are, but for now, go with your gut instinct.)

Body Shape B

* Don’t  tuck in your shirts

* No belts for you

* Wear a tummy shaper to firm your middle area

* Stick with longer length tops and jackets

* Wear same or similar color for top and bottom to create a longer line and to take away attention from your middle area

* Accessorize at neckline with necklaces or scarves to bring attention upward

Body Shape O

* Wear a properly fitting bra

* Layer tops by wearing a jacket, sweater or vest to minimize upper area

* Prints are a good choice and will make your upper body appear smaller

* Don’t wear skirts longer than knee length as this will make you look bigger than you are. Pair knee length skirts and shorts with a wedge or heel, not flats.

* Swing tops and jackets look terrific on your body shape

* Push up your long sleeves to make them ¾ length to appear slimmer

Body Shape D

* Wear relaxed fit pants and jeans; nothing too snug

* Belts are terrific on you as they flatter your small waist

* Fuller skirts are better than fitted ones

* If your shoulders are smaller than the width of your hips, shoulder pads are necessary to balance your figure.

* Square neck, boat neck or crew neck tops are your best necklines

* Horizontal stripes on your top half will provide balance to your bottom half

Body Shape X

* Pay attention to your frame size; wear patterns accordingly. If you’re small framed, wear small patterns. Larger? Wear bigger prints.

* Don’t wear too tight clothes as you may appear overtly sexy

* If you have a little extra fluffiness in one area or another, consider wearing a shaper to firm.

* You can wear any type pant style

* Wear proper undergarments and a good fitting bra

* Most styles work for you because of your balanced body so have fun with fashion

Here’s a guide to help you with your specific needs in Help Me Jesus, I Have Nothing to Wear!

Quick Tips Guide

* If you wonder IF IT’S OKAY TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU WEAR go straight to page #11.

* If you struggle with knowing HOW TO DRESS YOUR BODY SHAPE go straight to page #27.

* If you’d like to know WHAT COLORS LOOK BEST ON YOU go straight to page #56.

* If you want to identify YOUR PERSONAL STYLE go straight to page #76.

* If you wish to FIND THE CORRECT BRA SIZE go straight to page #85.

* If you struggle with KNOWING THE BEST SHAPER FOR YOUR FLUFFY AREAS go straight to page #93.

* If you want the ground rules for CHOOSING THE MOST FLATTERING SWIMSUIT go straight to page #101.

* If you want to DETERMINE YOUR FACE SHAPE go straight to page #119.

* If you’d like to know the BEST HAIRSTYLE FOR YOUR FACE SHAPE go straight to page #121.

* If you’d like to know WHAT EYE FRAMES ARE BEST SUITED FOR YOU go straight to page #130.

* If you want to know WHAT COLOR LIPSTICK AND EYESHADOW YOU SHOULD WEAR go straight to page #134.

* If you’d like to know EASY MAKEUP TRICKS TO LOOK YOUNGER go straight to page #142.

* If you’d like to know WHAT BRAND OF JEANS WILL LOOK BEST ON YOU go straight to page #156.

* If you’d like to know HOW TO EFFICIENTLY ORGANIZE YOUR CLOSET go straight to page #164.

* If you want a list of the 12 MUST HAVE PIECES FOR YOUR WARDROBE go straight to page #167.


This can’t be said enough.

Okay, I’ll say it again, because it helps me remind myself!


What’s important is how you feel about yourself, inside and out.  When you wear clothes that complement your shape instead of choosing styles that focus on your fluffy areas, you will appear more confident and others won’t be able to help finding you attractive. God didn’t make a mistake with you, He thinks you’re amazing just the way you are. 

The King is enthralled with your beauty. Psalm 45:11

And isn’t it about that anyway?

More about Shari is thrilled to have the leading expert on Faith and Fashion join us. You can see more of her articles here, check out her website Faith Meets Fashion, or leave a comment here!


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