“If your leadership is not Life-giving to you or those closest to you, then you must ask, am I leading toward God’s Kingdom?” —John Burke

In Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well, he said something remarkable. Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14

If you’ll pardon the pun, I’d like you to take a moment and really drink in that statement …

“Whoever drinks the water I give them

will never thirst.

Indeed, the water I give them

will become in them

a spring of water

welling up

to eternal life.”

In the center of Austin (where I live) lies the famous Barton Springs Pool. Covering three acres, the pool is fed from underground springs and is, on average, 68 degrees year-round. In a city where summer highs often soar above 100 degrees, the spring’s cool waters make it an especially popular place for locals and tourists alike.

I’ve swum there myself dozens of times, often surrounded by hundreds of others all soaking in the refreshing cool waters. Yet none of us cost the spring an ounce of its strength by doing this because the spring is continually renewing itself, being perpetually fed by fresh cool water from unseen sources.

What if leadership could be just like that?

What if that’s how God intended it to be?

I’ve worked closely with faith leaders for over 25 years now – the first 15 in the publishing industry, engaging leaders and creating resources to serve them; and the last 10 as a leadership coach partnering with leaders and their teams to unleash the full potential of their work for the Kingdom.

Most leaders I know are not like springs. They’re more like desert wadis – winding, dusty channels cut through the sunbaked earth. Much of the time they feel dry as old bones. But on those rare occasions when the rains do fall, they quickly flood … and just as quickly rush to empty themselves out again, pouring every ounce they have into the parched lives of those they serve.

This cycle repeats over and over in their leadership, creating in them a mindset of scarcity, where the infilling of God’s supernatural presence is a luxury they constantly thirst for, but rarely experience. Eventually many of them grow numb to their desire, and come to accept leadership disconnected from God as normal … or at least, as the path God has chosen for their lives.

But it isn’t. Nothing could be further from God’s heart, or from the Gospel itself.

I’ve learned a lot through my coaching work with pastors, managers, presidents, worship leaders and CEOs over the past 10 years. In that time, I’ve discovered there really is a better path available to faith leaders – a better way of leading – one that’s not only far more life-giving for them personally, but also makes them far more powerful and effective as leaders because it keeps them in intimate connection with Christ as the living and active Head of the Church.

I call it Leading Wide Awake.

I’ve just released a new eBook in which I share the core principles that define Wide Awake Leadership, and provide a collection of the most effective and strategic spiritual practices I’ve picked up through my years of coaching spiritual leaders. No fluff here – just the practical tools every leader needs to survive and thrive spiritually as they strive to lead others well.

I couldn’t be more excited about getting this resource out to leaders everywhere – in part because I know how badly it’s needed, and in part because I’ve seen the impact of these practices on leaders first hand. These practices really work!

That said, some of the practices require you to take risks. A few may even require all of your courage and faith to implement. But if you are willing, I’m convinced you will find as many other leaders and I have: a whole new kind of life and leadership awaits you.

Download your copy here: LEADING WIDE AWAKE

If it inspires you, then please, spread the word. Buy it for the leaders in your organization. Tell the leaders in your network. Join me in bringing this resource to faith leaders everywhere.



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