Exercise and a healthy lifestyle have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the attention on the epidemic of childhood obesity and the general lack of fit living in America today. The government program “Let’s Move,” championed by Michelle Obama, helps to promote exercise while Jaime Oliver’s Food Revolution helps to change eating habits in children at school.
However, the best way to instill motivation and encouragement in your children is by participating with them and leading by example. A great way to do this is by partaking in a 5K activity as a family. While going on a simple hike or stroll through the park can be great for everyday or on the weekends, a 5K is something that can be looked forward to as a tradition each year. While your child may grow out of his love of playing on the jungle gym as he ages, a 5K can be something you can enjoy as a family for years and years to come.
There are 5K’s available to suit children of every age range, with a number of different themes to choose from. Whether it’s a Turkey Trot 5K during the holidays or a mud run 5K for playing around and getting dirty, there is something for everyone and every family.
However, if you’re serious about looking into a 5K as a family, a great option can be partaking in an activity that is related to a charity. Looking to your local church, community center, or even a nearby YMCA can be a great way to find a 5K that helps to contribute to a charitable cause in your community or around the globe. 

Generally, the fees for entry into the 5K go toward contributions to the charity and there are even separate contributions offered by sponsors for those looking to run under a specific time constraint. A little family competition can be just what everyone needs to get moving! 

Running for a cause is a great way to not only give back to the community, but also participate in an activity that will strengthen the relationships within your family. By participating in 5Ks for charity, you’ll be spending quality time with one another, teaching the kids about the nature of giving, and actively showing them the importance of health and wellness.
In a time where children seem to be bombarded with video games, parents are often overwhelmed by longer work hours and teenagers would rather spend time with their friends than their families, it can be more important than ever to find new ways to spend quality time together as a family. Instead of taking the same old trip to the movies or the mall, participate in an active event like a 5K for a more exciting, challenging and rewarding family experience.

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