Perhaps you are waiting for:

  • direction
  • healing
  • the “one”
  • a baby
  • reconciliation
  • a reason why

and God appears to be silent, or slow in providing an answer to your prayers.*

Still, you continue to pray. And pray. And pray. Your prayers become repetitive. Discouragement begins to set in. Or worse yet, you cease to pray about “it” all together.

I understand this, because I have been there.

My Request

Waiting on God to move in my life has always been a challenge for me. I feel that waiting, in general, stinks. My natural tendency is to take control of my life. But God’s Word teaches me to release control of my life to Jesus.

I have learned that releasing often leads to waiting.

So since I am in another season of waiting, I asked God to show me a new way to pray. As usual, His counsel encouraged my weary heart. I pray His answer encourages you too.

God’s Answer

God used Psalms 27:14 to teach me one new way to pray. Here are the rest of my thoughts…

Your Turn to Weigh in

Why do you think God allows us to spend time in the “waiting room?” What is one “it” that God has done in your life? What did “it” teach you about God?


*This article was originally written/published by the author under the title “How to Pray While Waiting.”

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