Think about the last time you got asked out in public. These days, it seems like the only time this has a chance of happening is after a few drinks at your nearest bar. Even then, your odds of finding someone who you really connect with are pretty limited. That’s where online dating comes in.

Expanding The Possibilities

Online dating opens up new opportunities to meet people you may not have come across naturally out in public. However, this new way of meeting people does far more than we think to give it credit for. Unlike being limited to the specific clientele at your local hangout, online dating allows you to narrow the thousands of men and women available in your area down to the people you’d actually be interested in getting to know.

Approaching someone in public is a bit daunting, isn’t it? Just as social media makes it easier to connect with friends and family, online dating makes it easier to approach that person you think you’d enjoy dating.

Like-Minded Relationships

There’s more to online dating than just an easier way to meet new people, however. One of the best things about this new way to date is that it helps you find like-minded people within a few clicks. For many, that means the chance to network with fellow believers.

If your top priority in dating is developing an honest relationship that centers on God, it’s hard to casually slip that into conversation on the first few dates. But with online dating, you can simply reference a profile to find out a potential match’s religious views. While that doesn’t tell you everything about someone’s personal beliefs or practices, it allows you to start off on the right foot with someone who has similar goals when it comes to faith and relationships.

We also can’t forget that we have more control over who starts a conversation with us in the virtual dating world. In public, anyone without the same beliefs as you can start a flirty conversation. Online dating allows you to almost have a virtual stop sign that you sometimes wish you had in public. You won’t be wasting your time or the other person’s time and it leaves you free to meet someone who would be a much better match for you.

Living Proof

Online dating doesn’t come with guarantees. There’s always the chance that you could end up heartbroken when you start a relationships with someone new. But while it doesn’t ensure success, online dating does offer hope.

It’s clear that this new path to finding a partner has worked for countless couples who are now engaged or married. Many have gone on to create flourishing families. Thanks to online dating, thousands of couples with the same desires for a faith-filled relationship were able to find each other. And as it becomes more and more common to meet your mate online, the number of success stories continues to increase.

If you’re dating online, it doesn’t mean you’re not capable of meeting someone in public. It just means that you’re opening yourself up to love in a whole new way. As we know from our faith, love will find a way; but it doesn’t hurt to give it a helping hand.

“Love is patient, love is kind…It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

  1. Online dating is a scary thing for me but I’m encouraged to keep moving forward and pray for the best from this site.

  2. I have been on all – and still single. Have met some real scammers and glad I caught on early enough to get away. You just have to be careful and always make sure you meet in a public place with people around and tell someone where you are going.

  3. Online dating essentially magnifies what you experience in person: if you have difficulty getting dates, you’ll be rejected 100x more. If you already get plenty of dates, you’ll be inundated with even more. As a guy, my experience is that the vast majority of women online are extremely shallow and picky, to where most profiles boil down to “must be 6′ tall, have green/blue/etc eyes, tattoos, so on and so on”. I’ve heard from others that many even keep guys on a rotation and will literally call guys up just for a free lunch/dinner when they’re short on money. There’s also the ghosting, breadcrumbing and whatever other nonsense term that people come up with essentially showing interest then disappearing when something better comes along. People do this in general but it seems online brings them all together in one place instead of a a random crapshoot like in public.

    I’d suggest staying away from online dating but at the most, be cautious and keep expectations low, very low.

    1. I find it much more difficult getting dates online than in public. I can walk up to virtually any woman start up a conversation and end up with a date. I think online dating is generally a waste of money. Many of the profiles are outdated and the ladies in question are not even on the site anymore. I have found women online to be very shallow as well. It’s all about your height, your money and your material possessions. The vast majority of the time a date you get online is a one and out. They were simply looking for a free meal. I do not recommend online dating at all. It is a waste of time and money and I don’t care what dating site it is.

      1. You’re 100% correct as far as women online. I’ve also had better success offline as well but the problem is that it’s getting more and more difficult to meet people in public, especially with feminism creating an environment where women think men are all inherent rapists. Even meeting in person, most women also have online profiles and since they get tons of attention there and men hungry for them, it affects their behavior in person and a 4 acts like she’s a 10 and an 8 think she’s a goddess straight from the heavens who demands you look like Channing Tatum for her to even speak to you.

        When I was in high school, if you got a girl’s number it was a 100% chance you’d actually get a date and a very good chance you’d get something as long as you didn’t act like a freak or idiot. Now, they give their number out like candy and then ignore most of the time or play games about how long you have to wait or acting like you’re interested but not. The search for a non-psychopath snob is difficult, basically.

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