It’s so easy to feel left out, isn’t it? From family gatherings to friendly outings, if you’re not invited, you feel excluded and you begin to wonder, “Do they not love me as much? Am I annoying to them? Do my friends not like me as much as my sister?”

Unfortunately, your mind is the enemy’s playground if you give him access. The enemy delights in making you believe a lie: that you’re not as loved because you weren’t invited. There are completely different reasons you weren’t invited, and it’s not because you’re less liked, ignored or unloved. Read on to find out why.

Time Alone

Just because you weren’t included to join your mother and sister’s dinner together, it doesn’t mean you were personally ignored. Sometimes, your mom and sister need that time alone to catch up together, and they need a confiding one-on-one mother-daughter date. Sometimes, just your father and brother want time alone to talk about life and just be alone in each other’s company, man-to-man. Or maybe your sister just wants your parents to get to know her boyfriend in a more intimate gathering.

It’s not that you’re unloved, ignored, or liked less; it’s just that others need some time alone together to bond. We should never jump to the conclusion that we were uninvited because we’re less loved. Again, that’s a sure way to have the devil wreak havoc on your mind, starting with feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem.

Be confident in the love you share with your family. You are adored. You are cherished. Most of all, you are chosen by the one and only holy God, who forever will gather you into His arms every day. You are never alone.

Reacting With Love

The way we react to these types of scenarios can have a big impact on our relationships. if we send an angry text or a harsh message uttering our bewilderment as to why we weren’t invited or how we feel ignored, odds are, it will just put you in deeply rooted, sticky situation. The person on the receiving line will wonder why you keep feeling this, and they’ll probably try to relay as kindly as possible that it was never their intention.

Instead, simply try to uplift and be a peace with your family. Wish them a wonderful outing. Call them. Spread the love, not the anger. Be the family member that brings peace, not calamity.

Because you’re not physically present for something doesn’t mean you were purposely excluded due to negative feelings; it simply involved different people for a different reason. Family is precious, and one of life’s beautiful blessings, so send love to one another, not hate or anger. May you always realize that not everyone in your family is structured according to your mind.

“Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart.”  —Proverbs 11:29

Don’t think the worst of your family members. Understand that while they might not include you in everything, they still love you and care for you deeply.

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