It is natural for us to care for our own family members, by helping them as best as we can with the necessities of life that they may succeed and survive. This is a burden that can become quite heavy and toilsome, even overwhelming.

As believers of Christ, we are not just members of Christ’s body, we are family members living together as a community with a common interest in the body of Christ. As it is with our own natural family, it is our duty to care for one another and be helpers to one another even during times of difficulties and overwhelming circumstances.

If a fellow brother or sister in Christ is in poverty, or has hit rock bottom, or has fallen to error or temptation, or has wandered away from the green pasture, we should not be critical, cold or heartless towards them.

How can you call yourself a Christian living among those who are your fellow brothers and sisters, and care only about yourself? How can you stand by and watch them suffer, or watch them sink under their troubles without lending a hand to help them bear their load?

The teachings of Christ do not encourage us to blame, insult, be selfish or rejoice when a fellow brother or sister falls into trouble. We are to love them, sympathize with them, and help them as best as we can to get through their issues and overcome their struggles. It is a spirit of love and compassion, rather than a spirit of fault-finding and criticism.

Let us be helpers to one another thereby fulfilling the commandment which requires us to love one another – “And this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment” (I John 3:23). A love that is not spoken by words, but spoken through action – “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but indeed and in truth” (I John 3:18).

What better way to exemplify love to one another, than by helping each other, as we walk together in Christ.

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